Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Goals for December 2020

I find that if I have a plan, goals for the month my depression and anxiety are better. It helps me to keep busy and not sit and veg so much, so here they are. 

1. I want to up my service hours.

2. Scrapbook and post 1 project a week. To this blog and to Megan and my mom. 

3. Get to London Drugs and make a photo book of Disney 2015. I was going to scrapbook one but I realize now that the stress of thinking about it has made me procrastinate and it's time to just get it made into a book so we can enjoy the memories. Now, depending on finances I may do this this month or in January but it will get done. 

4. I want to continue progressing with my physio. Walking without crutches is the goal. 

5. I have lost 30lbs since the accident. I would like to loose a little more. So I will continue to eat right, and workout the best I am able. 

Here is to a good month.

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