Wednesday, December 2, 2020

 It's December 2nd. What a year 2020 has been. First it was and still is Covid. Isolation!! Then the car accident. The shattered ankle, the operation, hospital stay, the healing process, the pain, the learning to walk again. All of this sucked. But I have to admit, there were good things too. Zoom being one of them. The ability to see family, friends and to still have our meeting and do service groups. The Governing Body through Jehovah has taken such good care of us. I have been throwing my anxiety on Jehovah. What would I do without him. I would be a ball of stress and a complete mess. 

Family time has been a good thing as well. Although we can see to much of each other sometimes and need to go to our own corners for some me time. We have been enjoying crafts. Some new and some old and tried and loved. And of course binge watching some new shows. 

I wonder what the new year will bring. I know that whatever happens that Jehovah is in control. I can have trust in him. But it's still a wonder if the Covid will get sorted out, if the world will get crazier or if it will quiet down and not be so nuts for awhile. We will see. 

We are alive, we have shelter, food, each other and our faith. 

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